I would like to thank the Committee for inviting me to Judge Deerhounds at their show. I would also like to thank my efficient steward & the exhibitors for their support.
1st Finnett and Heathcote’s Hyndsight Restless Spirit . Very shapely 16 month old bitch with a beautiful head and expression, dark eye and crisp coat. Well balanced and of good length and bone. Excellent shoulder placement and with good return of upper arm. Nice width in the rear with good fallaway and strong hindquarters. Good bend of stifle and low hocks. Movement a little wayward to begin although she did settle and had a good stride. Really look forward to her future
2nd Finnett and Heathcote’s How You Remind Me. Another dark shapely bitch of 16 months, good head and expression. Lovely length of neck and good shoulder placement, not such a deep chest as 1 at the moment. Good strong hindquarters and bend of stifle. Movement lacking today.
1st Lucas & Dargonne’s Packway Little Loxley. 3 year old bitch with beautiful head and expression with neat ears. Strong neck leading into excellent shoulder placement. Well sprung ribs. Good bend of stifle low hocks. Excellent movement and kept her top line. However would have liked a tad more length. Very pleased to award her RBOB
2nd Finnett and Heathcote’s Hyndsight Endless Flight. 18 month dog of excellent bone and substance with very good dark crisp coat. Very good spring of rib and good depth of chest. Excellent length of loin and good width behind . Well muscled throughout , with very good bend of stifle. Strode out well although not as good a reach as 1st. Would have liked better return of upper arm
3rd Tresh’s Udome Von Den Grauen Anfurten for Lyndorthwin. Delightful 20 month old bitch with very appealing head and expression little nervous on the day. Needs time to mature.
1st Finnett and Heathcote’s Careless Whisper. Dark coated shapely young bitch of good length. Soft expression and dark eye. Good length of neck and excellent shoulder placement with good return of upper arm. Excellent depth of chest with good ribbing and tuck up. Well muscled loin good width behind. Well angulated hindquarters well muscled second thigh and low hocks. Carried herself well on the move and was pleased to award her BOB ( Hound Group 2 )
Kim Holt